Mud marathon of Schermerhorn 2006


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Sunday the 9the of July 2006 was the yearly mud marathon of Schermerhorn. Ton was at ten by me for the combined trip to North Holland.  The whether was as always less warm and dry like the rest of the week. But because of the heat wave it wasn't to bad so. This year participate 45 veterans (+35), 12 women, 47 seniors and 40 groups starting in two heats. Ton, Evert and I started at twelve o'clock. The ladies started with us. Ton and I did as usual only one round. Evert stopped after only a few ditches. The other wacky wet guys were all in jeans and tshirt. One other mud lover completed all three rounds. Self I wear my normal clothes, light grey trousers, light bleu sweeter, shirt, tshirt and Nikes. There wasn't enough time to switch in less vulnerable clothes. 



The seniors started after us. Ton took most pictures, while I concentrated me on the video. There were  lot of young participants, but the number of normal clothed guys was somewhat disappointing. It wasn't easy to follow the clothed guys, because they were completely unrecognizable after only a few ditches. We make together 500 pictures and 20 minutes of video. In  Picture gallery en Video captures you can watch some results. Left click on the picture in the gallery gives a enlarged picture in a new window. After pressing the link "Groot formaat" you get the enlarged picture in the right frame. Unless you set your screen on very high resolution you will see only a part of the picture then.



By far the most people are involved with the groups. One group asked for someone for the boat. But Ton and I have to take pictures and couldn't attend. it was a pity for sure... The forty groups with five members started in two heats. This year the battle concentrated on the price for the cleanest lady afterwards. Although this year the lady have to pass the ditches in the boat, that was soon purely theoretical for most groups. Boats are to small, broken, etc. For the competition it was annoying the spatter of mud when entering the ditches. Not everybody was aware, that jumping with a big splash in a ditch does effect the state of the ladies clothes heavily. One group managed to reach the finish with a lady in almost bright white tshirt. One of the ladies was in real a guy. To the end of the heat he wasn't to distinguish from the other members of his group. Totally covered with mud he was. The nice group on top of the page just disappeared during the race before I could localize them, because they where unrecognizable covered with mud within a few ditches.  



To the end of the second heat I visited the other mud lovers to the end of the terrain. They find the most muddy ditch of all. Although I didn't have a change, I decided nevertheless to cross the ditch for another time, because of the pictures. I wear a kaki trousers, black jumper, waistcoat, shirt and red colored underwear, while one of the other took some pictures, while crossing fully clothed the canal. Because of the many participants those are crossing the ditch before, I didn't manage to get the whole story. In one step the mud was behind my waist. In a terrible state of my clothes I reached the other side. Later on I completed the task of covering them completely. After some I manage to get some other mud lovers in the ditch fully clothed too. You can see the situation of the clothes of one of them before and after entering the mud (brand new jeans).



Schermerhorn 2006